API Reference

Update Consent with identifier {identifier}

Consent on the FHIR specification website.

A record of a healthcare consumer’s choices, which permits or denies identified recipient(s) or recipient role(s) to perform one or more actions within a given policy context, for specific purposes and periods of time.

The body should be a valid FHIR object for Consent.

Here is an example:

  "resourceType": "Consent",
  "id": "consent-example-Emergency",
  "text": {
    "status": "generated",
    "div": "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n      <p>\n\tWithhold Authorization for Treatment rule for Emegency Treatment\n\t</p>\n      <p>\n    Patient &quot;P. van de Heuvel&quot; wishes to have no data at the Good Health Psychiatric Hospital \n   available rule for Emergency treatment use.\n   An overall Deny consent Directive, with an exception &quot;Permit&quot; of purposeOfUse &quot;ETREAT&quot; \n   at &quot;Good Health&quot; hospital, and exception &quot;Deny&quot; all other purposeOfUse from good health hospital.\n   </p>\n    </div>"
  "status": "active",
  "scope": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/consentscope",
        "code": "patient-privacy"
  "category": [
      "coding": [
          "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode",
          "code": "EMRGONLY"
  "patient": {
    "reference": "Patient/f001",
    "display": "P. van de Heuvel"
  "dateTime": "2015-11-18",
  "organization": [
      "reference": "Organization/f001"
  "sourceAttachment": {
    "title": "The terms of the consent in lawyer speak."
  "policyRule": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode",
        "code": "OPTOUT"
  "provision": {
    "actor": [
        "role": {
          "coding": [
              "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType",
              "code": "CST"
        "reference": {
          "reference": "Organization/f001"
    "purpose": [
        "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason",
        "code": "ETREAT"
    "provision": [
        "type": "deny",
        "actor": [
            "role": {
              "coding": [
                  "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType",
                  "code": "CST"
            "reference": {
              "reference": "Organization/f001"

You can reference the FHIR documentation to determine the format for Consent.

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